The Reading & District Model Aircraft Club is run by a committee selected by its membership at the Annual General Meeting held each year in December. At this meeting any major decisions, such as rule changes, are determined. The club membership is limited to 100 and members are divided into categories of ‘Adult’ and ‘Junior’. Adult members are age 18 years and above, Juniors 10 – 18 years and in full-time education.
Current member fees for 2024 as at July are as follows:
Adult members –£47 (£11 club + £36 BMFA Insurance + £25 joining fee)
Junior members – £ 19 (£4 club + £15 BMFA Insurance).
There is no joining fee for junior members.
If you do not hold a BMFA ‘A’ certificate (or higher) you will need to take and pass either the CAA competency test or the BMFA equivalent to get your CAA Operator I.D. If you hold a BMFA certificate you are exempt from taking the competency test but you must still apply for your Operator I.D. This will be an additional cost of £11.13 over and above the club fees. It is illegal to fly without an Operator I.D. and also contrary to the club rules.
New members are welcome to join the club at the Membership Secretaries discretion.
Members who have not re-joined by 31st December are not insured to fly until such time as the Membership Secretary receives their BMFA membership subscription.
Anyone who already has BMFA membership through another club or as a country member need pay only the club portion of the membership.
There is a BMFA publication called “A Flying Start” which is available to download at (then look under Training Manuals) along with guides for all of the BMFA tests. If you are a beginner and are thinking of joining the club, this is a useful guide to read. It also has a training log which we suggest you print off and bring with you to your training sessions so that you can keep a log of your progress.
Link to Club Rules:
Come meet us
Depending on the weather, there may be members flying down at the TVP strip on any day of the week but the best days are Wednesdays at around mid-day and Saturdays 10:00 – 14:00 hrs. During Autumn/Winter we also hold in-door flying sessions roughly once a month at Bulmershe Leisure Centre, Woodley.
If you have any questions or would like to apply to join the club, please send details to our Membership Secretary using the contact form below
Map for Thames Valley Park: